A Book on Nuclear Fusion

I just found an interesting popularization level book about nuclear fusion. It’s funny, my electromagnetism profesor is who wrote it(Dr. Julio Martinell). The book, named “Los Prometeos Modernos o el Esfuerzo para Controlar la Fusión Nuclear”, goes through basic topics on nuclear fusion, since definition to main issues and future perspectives.

The book was published by El Fondo de Cultura Económica as a part of the La Ciencia para Todos collection.

Link to the book: Los Prometeos Modernos o el Esfuerzo para Controlar la Fusión Nuclear.

Enjoy it!.

Tip: If you want to download entire to keep it offline use:

wget -r -p -np -k http://omega.ilce.edu.mx:3000/sites/ciencia/volumen2/ciencia3/106/htm/prometeo.htm

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